Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I was on TV!

Yes, it's true. Since my graduation last night was actually kind of the first of its kind (see post below this one), a local news station covered it. I'm the guy speaking at the beginning, and the one they show when they're talking about avoiding social pressures (can't stop laughing about that).

Watch the video by clicking here: KREM2NEWSCLIP
Or by copying and pasting this:

Now that you've seen my 15 min- er 10 seconds- of fame, I'm interested to hear from you. Let's hear your story about when you were publicly recognized by a television station, newspaper, etc, or even if you were just the person doing silly faces in the background as the reporter talked about the coming storm.


Anonymous said...

Social Pressures....I guess they don't know what its like to have 35 cousins, 4 of them crazy teenage girls who always want to talk. Well dear cousin we are all very proud of you and I think I got enough blackmail photos last night to last a lifetime. But of course when you get a girlfriend we will be telling her about the underwear incident. Molley 1 of 4

jjfortheking said...

That's awesome!

Let's see... I've had my picture in a newspaper because our family was playing music at an event... and I write for an Internet Magazine. That's about all. =)

God bless,

halestone said...

i love being on tv, which i rarely am, but its so cool seeing yourself on the screen!!!!

Adam said...

I only been in a newspaper before, my homeschool group was having a contest and all, about doing projects or something, cant remember, been so long. Well, they said whoever had number#1 project would be on the front cover of the newspaper. Well, I came in third, they placed my picture though because (my project was about old skeletons or somthing) I actually found out I had A HUMAN skeleton part.
The first place winner was mad, man!

P.S couldnt see your video, because I had already waited seven minutes and it still wouldnt finish loading.

P.P.S I was drinking milk when I started reading the firt anonymous comment, about you getting a girlfriend and then telling her about the underwear incident, well, the milk came out of my nose.
I still dont even know what happened.
Someone pulled them down or something? (hard to type when I'm laughing so hard)
(i'm not being mean in no way!)

Rachel Kimberly said...

My family was interviewed on our local news for a special Adoption Citizenship day at the state capitol, because my older sisters are adopted from Ukraine. I didn't say anything, but I was there! (I'm not sure I made any silly faces, but then again, I was pretty little...)

Anyway, congrats!

Anita said...


Hmmm...I have a regular news column, so I'm kinda in the news regularly. When I was graduating from college, I was in the newspaper, too. I still hate the dress I was wearing. What was I thinking?! And that hair?! Oh my!

Chloé said...

i was on t.v once when i was on a field trip with my class we were on the News...
Chloe (check out my blog)

Unknown said...

Cool, Jacob!

I've been in the newspaper twice... kinda. When I was about 9 years old, I wrote a short story for the Junior's Section of our neighborhood newspaper. It was my first time being published, and that was very exciting!

Then a couple years ago, my friend and I went to an Air and Space Museum, and found out that World War II veterans were speaking there. While we were getting one of their autographs, we saw that a newspaper photographer was snapping photos of the veteran; and we started making funny faces in the background. To our absolute surprise and amusement, one of the photos actually ended up in the newspaper! I still have a copy of that paper. So funny.

Rachel Danielle said...

How awesome! Congratulations! I was on TV, or so I was told, years and years ago when I was in a girl scout parade. My pic was in the newspaper once in an article on camping. Nothing big. But again, congrats on making the news!

Anonymous said...

I was once on national television showing a college volleyball game. I never saw myself and don't care too. I had painted a rainbow on my face to cheer on my cousin-to-be *(who was playing for Hawaii) and the camara man came around. Of course, I made sure not to look at the camara, turned red, and, well.... I hope nobody I know was watching! And this was a long time ago......
Eden- 1 of the 4
p.s. I'm totally with you Molley!!! He He He.... it's great to be a crazy teenage girl with a great teenage cousin who lets us talk his ear off!! Will you e-mail me some of those photos??

Jacob R Parker said...

It's interesting hearing everyone's experience on the big screen.

Adam: Perhaps you should consider this blog lactose intolerant from now on ;)

Anita: I'm pretty sure I'll look back on these photos with far from warm, happy feelings. Cue manic cackling from cousins.