The cool thing is I'm taking a video camera! I'll record my whole experience, from leaving my house to arriving home again, and then I'll make it into a video to share with you, Yodeling Dwarf readers.
Anyway, my goals for the conference are to
1) Get a full manuscript request from at least one person.
2) Be brave enough to approach and talk to people out of the blue.
3) Grow spiritually in the fellowship of other Christians
4) Make a fool of myself a few times.
Number 4 might sound strange, but I think it will help with number 2; if I'm able to make a fool of myself then reputation-preservation will be of less concern and I'll be able to approach people with more confidence. Plus I heard that the coach I selected, Jeff Gerke, likes to conduct skits in his sessions, so that represents the perfect opportunity, heheh.
The main reason I tell you all this is to request your prayers. As I said, this is a big time for me, and I would be daunted by facing my boldest adventure to date alone. I really desire for it to be a journey presided over and lead by God, with prayer warriors backing me up. My prayer is for this to be a huge step toward publication, a time for Him to train me to lean on and grow in Him, but most of all for everything to happen in God's way, with his timing, and according to his will. I would greatly appreciate it if you'd join me in that prayer.
I'll see everyone on Friday the 31st, or shortly thereafter, with the video, God willing.
picture by: David Masters
That's exciting! Praying for you.
oh! can't wait to see the video. sounds great! congrats. :)
Have fun on your trip!! I'll be praying that all goes well, and will be looking forward to hearing/watching about it upon your return. :)
Assr vĂsa ykkarr or∂ ok ykkarr lei∂r.
It sounds so cool. I hope you have a good time.
I will pray for you.
Howdy! You should stop in--I'm about an hour to the south.
Is it still open to register, do you think? I'm guessing the deadline is long past...but I wish I'd known about it.
Have a good time!
Thanks so much everyone! It means a lot.
Bethany: Wow, you are close. It looks like registration is closed as of three days ago. Sorry. But maybe you can go to one of their upcoming conferences... http://www.oregonchristianwriters.org
Hope everything, goes super, I'll pray for you!!! :D
Cool! God bless!
I'll be a prayer warrior for you my friend :)And just be who you are... the people there are going to love you... how can they not, you're a super nice guy with a great heart :) Hey you talked to me out of blue and I'm so glad you did. Remember just be truly you. Can't wait to hear all about it when you return :)Have fun and trust in the Lord!
Blessings on you,
Will do. Sounds like an awesome opportunity.
have fun JR! Good luck and Godspeed! :)
I just prayed for you!
That's wonderful! I'll be praying for you:)
I tagged you!
That's so cool! I'll be praying for you. Hope you learn a lot and have a great time :)
I'll be praying for you!
Oregon's great... and it should be nice and dry this week. :)
Hope you have a great time!
I'm sure you'll enjoy the conference, Jacob. And J Gerke is a great editor. He did an editorial review on one of my old manuscripts.
I can't wait to hear how it goes? Check my latest posting to see my rainbow, ironic we both mentioned rainbow and each in relation to getting published. You'll have to read my post to see what I mean! :)
Congrats, Jacob!
We went to the ACFW conference last fall and really enjoyed it.
I'll look forward to your updates!
I just wish they had a regional writing conference here in St. Louis, MO.
I wish I could go to a writing confrence. I'll be praying.
Jacob Jacob Jacob....why on earth did you go without me? lol
I'm hoping to head down to the Florida Writers Conference though ;)
Wow! Sounds like a sweet conference. Be careful with goal number 4 though. If you must make a fool of yourself, do it in a writerly fashion. =) Quite the challenge when you're not yet allowed to drink.
Have a blast!
I hope you accomplish all your goals :-)
Thanks everyone!
Have fun and i will pray for you!
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