I met K.M. Weiland through a mutual friend who told me to add her on Facebook. In fact, this guy, Sterling Woomert, is mentioned in the acknowledgments of Behold the Dawn as a valued critique-er. Pretty cool, huh? And now the interview...
Jacob: First, why don’t you tell us a bit about your latest book. What’s the premise?
K.M.:Behold the Dawn is a medieval epic, set against the backdrop of the Third Crusade at the end of the 12th century. It tells the story of Marcus Annan, a renowned

Jacob: You live in the sand hills of western Nebraska. What drew your imagination all the way to the Third Crusade?
K.M.: That’s the magnificent thing about imagination: It knows no bounds! I’m really a pretty eclectic person. I’m interested in so many historical eras, and I want to explore them all. But the Middle Ages has always held a special allure for me. I grew up with stories of Robin Hood and William Wallace, Ivanhoe and King Arthur. I’ve always been fascinated by the dichotomy of brutality and romance that the era presents to the historical tableau. So when I read a snippet about William Marshal (“the greatest knight who ever lived”), his conquests on the tourney fields, and his eventual pilgrimage to the Holy Land, my imagination immediately grabbed hold of it.
Jacob: How do you view your relationship with your characters? Are they real people that apparently only you can see, a collection of characteristics designed for you story's purposes, or something in between?
K.M.: Something in between, I suppose. They start out as a very wispy idea, with only a few concrete elements, and then slowly solidify as I get to know them better. The progression of the plot and the development of character is inextricable. You can’t have one without the other. So, in a sense, I design my characters specifically to fit my story’s purposes—but the story’s purposes also mold themselves to the characters.
Writing is a strange dance between characters and creator. Of course, my characters are all products of me, of my imagination, but they are also very real, very independent—even rebellious sometimes! However, I’m not one of those writers who complain about their characters not cooperating. It’s their story more than mine, so if they want to take it in a direction that I hadn’t intended, then I just let them fly! That’s what good characters do; they just take over.
Jacob: What’s the coolest bit of information you discovered in your research?
K.M.: The tourneys and the Crusades were, of course, what initially interested me. But I also found myself endlessly fascinated (and sometimes shocked) by the social mores. In many ways, the Middle Ages might just as well have been a different planet. For instance, the legal marriageable ages were ridiculously young, and even that legality was sometimes broken by ambitious noble families, who married their children off at ages as young as seven! The general corruption and ignorance of the church was also a bottomless well of interesting facts. I’d highly recommend the book The Age of Pilgrimage by Jonathan Sumption for hours of absorbing reading on the subject.
Jacob: Tell us about the novels you're cooking up for us next!
K.M.: My fantasy novel Dreamers Come (about a man who discovers that his dreams are really memories of another world) is taking a breather at the moment, waiting for me to revisit it for some more editing. In the meantime, I’m outlining another historical project, The Deepest Breath, this one set in London, Kenya, and France during World War I. And I’m also having fun with a co-writing venture that asks the question, “What if Robin Hood met Sleeping Beauty?”
Jacob: Very cool. Thanks for a great interview. Everyone, you can find out more about K.M. Weiland at her website, kmweiland.com. She also blogs at Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors, and AuthorCulture. Both Behold the Dawn and A Man Called Outlaw, her first book, are available on Amazon.
And now, the giveaway! Simply leave a comment in the comment section to be entered in the drawing for a signed copy of Behold the Dawn. Entries will stop being accepted at 12:00 Midnight PST on Sunday, October 25th. Lord willing, I will announce the winner here on Monday, October 26th.

I'll join!!
the book sounds cool!AKYork
I love the description of the "whispy" characters becoming solidified! That's exactly how it feels for me, too.
More power to ya, too, for tackling historical settings. I don't have the patience for that kind of research.
And, of course...please, oh, please pick me! :)
I'm in!
Thanks for a very fun "interrogation,"Jacob!
@Joreim: Good luck!
@Kat: I wouldn't tackle the historical research either if I didn't love it. It's a lot of work, but very rewarding!
@JT: Have at it! :)
Neat book KM...I'd heard about it somewhere...now I may get a chance to read it lol
Wow!! That sure looks cool. Count me in.
In Christ,
@Nathan: Hope you enjoy it!
@Lynnae: Thanks for stopping by!
wow...gotta check out this book......
Please, check away! :p
Hope this is as good as your horse tails newsletter!
Wow, somebody from my Horse Tails days! I'm always surprised to find my old readers from those days lurking about. ;)
Loved the "Interrogation"! :D Great job!
Yeah, Jacob can interrogate me anytime he wants to. :P
Most successful interrogation, Jacob. Pleased you were successful extracting valuable information. :)
Believe me, I was a tough nut to crack! ;)
Awesome! "Behold the Dawn" is high on my list of books to read. Count me in!
Thanks, Brianna! Being "high" on anyone's list is enough to make my day. Good luck in the drawing!
Thanks for stopping by and entering everyone! For the record, she withstood the interrogation much longer than most. In fact, even now, with the information gathered, I feel psychologically defeated, as though somehow this was what she wanted all along... ;)
Please enter me. :)
And wow, this book sounds so cool!
God Bless,
Thanks, Prism. :)
I would like to enter in too!
Four exclamation points! :D
Sounds like a cool book! I loooove medieval fiction, especially around the crusades.
Oh, and you can enter me, Jacob. lol
Any story's better with swords in it, I must say! ;)
Count me in please :) Behold the Dawn, looks and sounds pretty cool! And thanks for sharing a wonderful interview with us :-)
Sounds cool! I always liked reading about William Marshal.
@R.P.H.: Glad you enjoyed it!
@Melissa: A William Marshall fan! I don't run across many people who are familiar with him!
I like How K.M. mentions the church in that time period as being...confused in many ways. As a Christian, it's important we don't romanticize bad spots of our own history.
The truth always sets us free. Sounds like an interesting novel!
This time period truly was the Dark Ages. So much of the world claimed Christianity, and yet they were so far from Christ!
J. R. Parker: Sorry, this is a sort of off-topic question... but I've visited the Flaming Pen Press website and I see that they're closed to all unsolicited submissions at this time. The website also says to "check back as this will change in the future". Any clue how soon that will be? If you do know and you're not allowed to tell me, that's okay. Just wondering, if you are allowed to share that information. =)
Sounds interesting. Count me in, Jacob!
Thanks for reading the interview, Scott!
Intriguing interview Jacob.
KM: in terms of style is this more closer to an Ivanhoe or to Kristin Lavransdatter? Is this more of a historical fiction story or a religious fiction story? How would you describe yourself religion-wise, and to what degree does that color your fiction?
Probably Ivanhoe. I'm a devout Christian, and the book carries evidence of that, but only insomuch as the story demands. One of the interesting challenges in writing it was balancing my own world view with the distinctly different world view of the Middle Ages.
Wow. I'm going to love reading this book. Congrats for writing what I'm sure will be a great story.
I'm in the middle of writing my own Medieval storyline, so I'm doubly interested to read your book.
Ivanhoe rocks. :D
Thanks, Reesha. I love hearing that others are trying to revive this sadly under-appreciated historical period! Blessings with your book!
The book sounds awesome!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Dawn!
K.M. Weiland,
If you haven't checked out my sites I'd recommend you do. From your comments I think you'd enjoy reading my blog posts, short stories, and the first novel.
Thanks, Scott. I'll check it out! I'm already familiar with the cover art for your book. Great stuff!
Sounds like a cool book.
Thanks, Tahlia!
Wahh!! YD lol i almost missed this!~
Yes you did, Millard. You squeezed in with just a couple of hours to spare. :P
wow I guess I am late for the drawing hugh. Oh well I will find the book in the book store or at the libray. Hey can you e-mail me the next time you are going to give away book in a drawing. Here is my e-mail. kellydavon27@yahoo.com. Can you give your e-mail please so I can e-mail you back please.
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